viernes, 13 de enero de 2017


The student will write one incredible extremophile microorganism (m.o) and the next virtues:
Name,  a link to a picture (+1 in the task tabulator if you put a video), where it can be found, why these m.o. is so cool, how it can survive to the wether, the student's opinion why this m.o. can be useful for the carrer. bibliography in APA style.


Name: Methanopyrus kandleri 
Picture: Https/

It can be found in volcanoes under the ocean.
It supports the highest recorded temperature from a m.o.
The mechanism in the membrane allows to survive these temperatures.
It could be useful to create new termo resistant medcines. 
Henrique-Rampelotto, P. (2013). Extremophiles and Extreme Environments. Life (Basel), 482-485. doi: 10.3390/life3030482.

54 comentarios:

  1. Name:Phylum tardigrada

    Nickname: Water bear, moss piglets

    Image 1:

    Image 2:


    They can be found in the sediment between lichen or moss and its substrate (tree, rock, etc).

    This microorganism is very cool because its capable of suspending their metabolism and make itself to go into a state of cryptobiosis (suspended animation in which organisms can go on living even as they look dead) in response to drying, freezing, or low oxygen. Also They can
    survive more radiation than animals, humans, a year without water, and even they can live in the space.

    It can survive extreme environments because of the high and low temperatures its able to have for example: Temperatures of -273°C and high as 151°C

    It may be useful if in the future we could to apply this phenomenon (Cryptobiosis) to larger organisms.

    William R. Miller. (2011). Tardigrades. Retrieved January 24,2017 from:
    The Bears that Live in Your Own Backyard. Retrieved January 24,2017 from:
    Tardigrades,Biodiversity in Microorganisms. Retrieved January 24,2017 from:

  2. Name:Halobacterium salinarum


    It can be found in hypersaline environments, the osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell is balanced; consequently, all of its proteins are adapted to work under these conditions.

    H. salinarum has evolved mechanisms that make it one of the most radiation-resistant microbes known. Evidence is emerging that the high cellular concentrations of peptides and the minerals phosphate and manganese (and correspondingly low levels of iron), combine to protect cellular proteins. These proteins include enzymes that repair damaged nucleic acids, which, combined with other unusual haloarchaeal features, such as multiple copies of the chromosome and an efficient means of repairing and recombining DNA fragments, ensures genetic material stays intact. The carotenoids and high cellular concentrations of KCl also provide radiation protection.

    It could be useful to create new radiation resistant medicines, that could help pacients with cancer or some other pathology related with terapy that involves radiation.

    Terry J. McGenity (2016). The immortal, halophilic superhero: Halobacterium salinarum – a long-lived poly-extremophile. Retrieved January 24th 2017 from:

  3. Name: Kluyveromyces marxianus

    Also know as Kluyveromyces fragilis or Kluyveromyces marxianus (E.C. Hansen) Van der Walt, 1971. (GBIF, 2017).

    We can found in water volcanoes, river water with high mineral content, stomach.(University of California, 2014).

    It’s cool because you can use for industrila things like produce bioetanol by lower cost and better yeast. (Rampelotto P. 2016). It’s easy to isolate, also in cosmetics an farmaceutical area you can use it.

    This microorganism it’s important for my carrer because we can used for different things and to produce something new, like a better yogur, also we can use to produce an alternative fuel such as bioetanol. Also we can use to have a better fermentation to produce more wine or beer because have a better yeast than others.


    GBIF. (2017). Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus. January 24th 2017 from

    University of California. (2014). Kluyveromyces marxianus. January 24th from

    Rampelotto P. (2016). Biotechnology of Extremophiles: Advances and Challenges. January 24th 2017 from

  4. Name : Peña Diaz Hector Gabriel


    Thermococcus gammatolerans

    I choose these archaeon because is the most resistant in the earth , thats why is so cool .

    Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2003 May;53(Pt 3):847-51.
    Thermococcus gammatolerans sp. nov., a hyperthermophilic archaeon from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent that resists ionizing radiation.
    Jolivet E1, L'Haridon S, Corre E, Forterre P, Prieur D.
    Author information
    Enrichments for anaerobic organotrophic hyperthermophiles were performed with hydrothermal chimney samples collected at the Guaymas Basin (27 degrees 01' N, 111 degrees 24' W). Positive enrichments were submitted to gamma-irradiation at a dose of 30 kGy. One of the resistant strains, designated strain EJ3(T), formed regular motile cocci. The new strain grew between 55 and 95 degrees C, with an optimum growth temperature of 88 degrees C. The optimal pH for growth was 6.0, and the optimum NaCl concentration for growth was around 20 g l(-1). Strain EJ3(T) was an obligately anaerobic heterotroph that utilized yeast extract, tryptone and peptone. Elemental sulfur or cystine was required for growth and reduced to hydrogen sulfide. The G + C content of the genomic DNA was 51.3 mol%. As determined by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the organism was most closely related to Thermococcus celer, Thermococcus guaymasensis, Thermococcus hydrothermalis, Thermococcus profundus and Thermococcus gorgonarius. However, no significant homology was observed between them by DNA-DNA hybridization. The novel organism also possessed phenotypic traits that differ from those of its closest phylogenetic relatives. Therefore, it is proposed that this isolate, which constitutes the most radioresistant hyperthermophilic archaeon known to date, should be described as the type strain of a novel species, Thermococcus gammatolerans sp. nov. The type strain is EJ3(T) (= DSM 15229(T) = JCM 11827(T)).


    In the video the thermococcus gammatolerans is the number 2

  5. Name: Thermus aquaticus


    It can be found in geyser and in similar thermal habitats around the world
    It's so cool because it resists temperature of 50 to 80 ° C, is a thermophilic gram-negative bacterium that has played a key role in the modern revolution in genetic research, genetic engineering, and biotechnolog
    It survive because DNA polymerase (DNApol) is an enzyme involved in the replication of DNA by contributing to synthesis of the daughter strand. In order to synthesize an additional copy of its DNA, T. aquaticus’s DNApol (Taq pol) is stable at elevated temperatures.

    It is important because the use of DNA polymerases of T. aquaticus and other thermophiles developed PCR and its related applications, such as DNA sequencing, that have been useful in science.

    -Stacy, A. (2008). Deinococcus-Thermus: Adaptations to “nearly out of this world” environments. Retrieved January 25, 2017, from
    -Shapiro, L. Thermus aquaticus - details - encyclopedia of life. Retrieved January 25, 2017, from

  6. Rodríguez Jiménez Marilú
    Name: Halobacterium halobium
    Link to the image:
    Link to the vídeo:

    I think that the fact that a microorganism can adapt to osmotic stress is very interesting, because this ability helps it to adapt when it comes in contact with the external environment.
    Halobium, the principal inhabitant of the Great Salt Lake of Utah in the United States, adapts to the high concentration of salt and oxygen shortage, developing a protein in the membrane called bacteriorodopsina; This protein contains pigments that give a purple color to the membrane and its ability to react to light creates a proton gradient in the membrane, allows the synthesis of ATP, import potassium ions or export those of sodium; Halobacterium salinarum, concentrates potassium chloride inside to prevent dehydration. Its optimum growth is given at 50 ° C, pH 7.2 and NaCl concentrations of 3.5 to 4.3 M. It also uses bacteriorhodopsin.
    • Sandoval T., Horacio; Ramírez D., Ninfa; Serrano R., José Antonio; (2006). Extremophilic microorganisms. Halophilic actinomycetes in Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, July-September, 56-71.

  7. Name: Pyrococcus furiosus
    Link to picture:
    Link ti video:

    The importance of this microorganism the succes with DNA polymerases and the enzymes needed in PCR.
    Microorganisms growing near and above 100 degrees C have recently been discovered near shallow and deep sea hydrothermal vents. Most are obligately dependent upon the reduction of elemental sulfur (S0) to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for optimal growth, even though S0 reduction readily occurs abiotically at their growth temperatures. The sulfur reductase activity of the anaerobic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus, which grows optimally at 100 degrees C by a metabolism that produces H2S if S0 is present, was found in the cytoplasm.

    K Ma, R N Schicho, R M Kelly, and M W Adams. (1/Junio/1993). Hydrogenase of the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus is an elemental sulfur reductase or sulfhydrogenase: evidence for a sulfur-reducing hydrogenase ancestor. Department of Biochemistry, 90, 5341–5344. 26/01/2017, De PNAS Base de datos.
    Coker,J.A. (24/Marzo/2017). Extremophiles and biotechnology: current uses and prospects. PMC, 5, 396. 26/01/2017, De NCBI Base de datos.

  8. Carolina Canuto Rodriguez

    Bacteria Name: Methanococcus
    Picture Link:
    Video Link: (NOTE: In minute 13:49 the video talks about the mechanism of Methanococcus)
    The microorganism can be found in deep see vents at 85°C.

    The bacteria (Methanococcus jannaschiii) is a thermophilic methanogen bacteria, so it grows from the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2) as primary energy resources in order to transform them into methane (CH4). Actually Methanococcus jannaschiii is different bacteria from the other Methanococci because they can not use formate as a primary source.

    As a curious fact Methanococcus jannaschii RNase
    HII belongs to type II RNase H group that shares noticeable
    sequence similarity with human major RNase H. It is
    composed of two domains, and the larger domain is
    structurally homologous with Escherichia coli RNase H.

    I think it could be useful for recollecting all the carbon dioxide which affect our lungs and transform it into methane gas in order to use it in the laboratory.

    Web Bibliography:
    Lai Bing, Cao Aoneng, and Lai Luhuau. (2002) Binding and Enzymatic Mechanism of Methanococcus jannaschii RNase
    HII, Biochemistry, 42, 785-791.

    Park Hae-Chul et. al. (2012) Kinetic mechanism of fuculose-1-phosphate aldolase from the
    hyperthermophilic Archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 50, 209-214.

    W. J. Jones, J. A. Leigh, F. Mayer, C. R. Woese & R. S. Wolfe (1983). "Methanococcus jannaschii sp. nov., an extremely thermophilic methanogen from a submarine hydrothermal vent". Archives of Microbiology. 136,4,254–261.

  9. 1.- Aeropyrum pernix the earliest known ancestors to hemoglobin (protoglobine)

    2.- is a solely aerobic organism growing above 95°C under atmosphere. It was isolated from a coastal solfataric vent in Kodakara-Jima Island in southwestern Japan and grows under strictly aerobic conditions heterotrophically on various proteinaceous complex compounds optimally at 90 to 95°C.
    3.-As early life forms were established on earth, the atmosphere contained numerous toxic molecules, including nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide. Early hemoglobins most likely evolved to bind and detoxify these gases. When oxygen became a component of the atmosphere, it was also toxic, and these early organisms used hemoglobin to bind and ultimately detoxify the oxygen.
    In humans, with each breath in, hemoglobin binds oxygen in the lungs. Then, carried by blood cells made red by its oxygenated presence, the protein transports oxygen to tissues near and far in the body, where it then releases oxygen, which is essential to cellular respiration.
    4.- The ability of thermophilic microorganisms to live in high temperatures is based on the metabolism, structure, and cellular function of their components (The fatty acids in the cell membrane provide a hydrophobic environment for the cell and keep the cell rigid enough to live at elevated temperature; Special proteins known as chaperonins are produced by these microorganisms, which help, after denaturation, to replicate proteins to their native form and restore their functions And produce enzymes that are not denatured at high temperatures)
    5.- The cell membrane of A. pernix is mainly composed of unique polar lipids. The complete genome sequence of A. pernix K1 has been determined for the first time in Crenarchaeota. Three introns are surprisingly located within the rRNA operon, two of which harbor homing endonucleases. A lot of enzymes from A. pernix are studied for industrial applications. Extracellular and intracellular proteases, SOD and hydrogenase showed oxygen tolerance and high thermo stability above 100°C, meaning that they can be practically applied as industrial catalysts. Further, a cysteine synthase with an extremely high activity, which catalyzes the formation of L-cysteine, has been applied to produce L-cysteine used as materials for medicines and cosmetics for whitening effects. It is also pointed as a possible support for the creation of artificial blood.

    Aeropyrum pernix . (2013). © Katzlab Smith-College. 25/01/2017, de Eol encyclopedia of life Sitio web:

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. BT
    Student: Karen Itzela Rivera Camargo
    Name: Lactobacillus acidophilus
    Lactobacillus acidophilus is a species of gram positive bacteria in the genus Lactobacillus. Is homofermentative, microaerophilic species, fermenting sugars into lactic acid, and grows readily ay rather low pH values (below pH 5.0) and has an optimum growth temperature of around 37 ºC.
    It`s found naturally in the body, usually in the intestines, mouth, or female genitals. It’s considered beneficial to human health because the bacteria doesn’t cause disease. It produces vitamin K as well as lactase.
    This bacteria is so cool because is the most popular of the good bacterias and it has a lot of uses in the health biotechnology because his “helpful” is to do probiotic. Probiotics provide living bacteria that help the body absorb nutrients and keep a healthy balance of good bacteria. They help treat conditions like diarrhea, lactose intolerance, eczema, asthma, vaginal infections, and irritable bowel syndrome.
    Lactobacillus acidophilus can used in my career a lot because are so manageable and beneficial to the health we can do a lot of products with this bacteria and o take advantage of the resistance in low pH like in the stomach, we can do yogurts, milks and many products to take care of our health.

    Web bibliography:

    Rena Goldman. (2014). Lactobacillus Acidophilus. Healthline.January 27th 2017 from

    Tiquia-Arashiro,Debora Rodrigues. (2016). Extremophiles:Applications in Nanotechnology. Springer, 132-133. January 27th 2017 from

  13. BT
    Student: Karen Itzela Rivera Camargo
    Name: Lactobacillus acidophilus
    Lactobacillus acidophilus is a species of gram positive bacteria in the genus Lactobacillus. Is homofermentative, microaerophilic species, fermenting sugars into lactic acid, and grows readily ay rather low pH values (below pH 5.0) and has an optimum growth temperature of around 37 ºC.
    It`s found naturally in the body, usually in the intestines, mouth, or female genitals. It’s considered beneficial to human health because the bacteria doesn’t cause disease. It produces vitamin K as well as lactase.
    This bacteria is so cool because is the most popular of the good bacterias and it has a lot of uses in the health biotechnology because his “helpful” is to do probiotic. Probiotics provide living bacteria that help the body absorb nutrients and keep a healthy balance of good bacteria. They help treat conditions like diarrhea, lactose intolerance, eczema, asthma, vaginal infections, and irritable bowel syndrome.
    Lactobacillus acidophilus can used in my career a lot because are so manageable and beneficial to the health we can do a lot of products with this bacteria and o take advantage of the resistance in low pH like in the stomach, we can do yogurts, milks and many products to take care of our health.

    Web bibliography:

    Rena Goldman. (2014). Lactobacillus Acidophilus. Healthline.January 27th 2017 from

    Tiquia-Arashiro,Debora Rodrigues. (2016). Extremophiles:Applications in Nanotechnology. Springer, 132-133. January 27th 2017 from

  14. Name: Acidianus brierleyi
    Scietific name: Accidianus brierlevi [TAX:41673] (Virus host DB, WY)



    Lineage: celular organisms; Archea: TACK group; Crenarchaeota; Thermoprotei; Sulfolobales; Sulfolobaceae Acidianus (Virus host DB, WY).

    C. L. and J. A. Brierley were the first to isolate this bacteria, they found it in Yellowstone National Park. Is an extremely acidophilic, thermophilic archaebacteria, it's a chemolithotroph, and unique in that it can both oxidize and reduce sulfur depending on the availability of oxygen. Also it's facultative anaerobe and appears yellow-orange under aerobic conditions and grayish-black under anaerobic ones. (Barclay J. 2010). It grows 60ºC to 70ºC, it also know as Sulfolobus brierleyi Zillig et al., 1980. Thy from the clase Thermoprotei, order Sulfolobales, family Sulfolobaceae.

    This microorganism it is cool because we can find pyrite particles by batch bioreactor, this mineral we can use in the industry by producing sulfuric acid, also it can use like decorative things. The specific growth rate on pyrite for A. brierleyi was about four times that for the mesophilic bacterium, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, whereas the growth yields on pyrite for the two microbes were approximately equal to one another in magnitude. It have it’s own culture media. The adsorption equilibrium data were well correlated with the Langmuir isotherm; in differents pH’s we can observe different colors.


    Fac. Química. (WY). Organismos extremófilos. January 28th 2017 from

    Barclay J. 2010. Acidianus brierleyi. January 28th 2017 from

    Virus host DB. (WY). Acidianus brierleyi. January 28th 2017 from

    DMSZ GmbH. (2007). Microorganisms. 150. ACIDIANUS BRIERLEYI MEDIUM. January 28th 2017 from

    Konishi Y1, Yoshida S, Asai S. (1995). Bioleaching of pyrite by acidophilic thermophile Acidianus brierleyi. January 28th 2017 from

    UDLAP. (WY). Capitulo 3: Fundamentos de diseño de reactores. January 28th 2017 from

  15. Extremophiles

    Name: Dunaliella Salina


    Dunaliella salina is a unicellular green alga found in environments with high salt concentration. It produces a distinct pink and red colour often characteristic of saltern ponds. Dunaliella species are able to tolerate varying NaCl concentrations, ranging from 0.2% to approximately 35% . Thus, Dunaliella salina is a hyper-halotolerant organism found in high densities in saline lakes. D. salina has adapted to survive in high salinity environments by accumulating glycerol to balance osmotic pressure. D. salina is also adapted to solar radiation using β-carotene to protect against ionizing energy. This combination offers potential in biotechnological applications for the purpose of commercial products such as lipstick due to β-carotene production. Dunaliella salina is a model organism to study the effects of saline adaptation in algae.

    Dunaliella salina lacks a rigid wall, and the plasma membrane alone makes the cell susceptible to osmotic pressure. Glycerol is a compatible solute in which not only contributes to osmotic balance of the cell but also maintains enzyme activity. Glycerol is produced through two metabolic processes: intracellular synthesis through a photosynthetic product and metabolism of starch in the cell. The cell membrane of D. salina has low permeability to glycerol to prevent glycerol from leaving the cell, accounting for the high concentration inside the cell. Glycerol synthesis from starch is regulated through osmotic changes. High extracellular salt concentration drives the synthesis of glucose. Osmotic stress affects enzyme activity of key enzymes of the glycerol metabolic pathway: glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase, dihydroxyacetone reductase, and dihydroxyacetone kinase. These enzymes regulate glycerol requirements of the cell by responding to osmotic stresses. It has been found that high salt concentration inside cells decrease enzymatic activity. Thus, while D. salina live in high salt concentrations, they maintain a relatively low concentration of sodium inside.

    This algae seems cool because of the biotechnology application it might has, also it is cheap to cultivate, it might be useful for the nutrition and its antioxidant activitiy.


    Oren, A. (2005). A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905–2005. Saline Systems, 1, 2.

  16. BQC
    NAME: Brenda Arellano Valdéz

    Polaromonas vacuolata

    Polaromonas vacuolata is an extremophile belonging to the group of psychrophiles. This type of organisms is able to live in extremely low temperatures. They are also known as cryophiles (ice lovers, according to their etymology). Polaromonas vacuolata belongs to the subgroup of extreme psychrophiles. Its habitat is Antarctic waters, lives well at 0 ° C, and has an optimal temperature of 4 ° C. It was discovered by microbiologist James Staley, and his enzymes have been studied by food companies to understand food decomposition reactions inside refrigerators; Or by the cosmetic industry, so fragrances do not evaporate so easily.

    R. L. IRGENS, J. J. GOSINK, AND J. T. STALEY". (Julio1996). Polaromonas vacuolata gen. nov., sp. nov., a Psychrophilic, Marine, Gas Vacuolate Bacterium from Antarctica . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLO, Vol. 46, No. 3 , p. 822-826.



  17. Student name: Lilia González Ayllón
    QFB 6° semester
    Name: Chryseobacterium greenlandensis
    It can be found on polar ice and glaciers, some species have been found living in the ultra-purified water used for dialysis, this species of bacteria has been found recently on 2008 they´re species of bacteria that has survived for more than 120,000 years within the ice of a Greenland glacier at a depth of nearly two miles.
    It is a cool M.O because it survived 120,000 years on a glaciar and can survive in a variety of extreme environments on Earth and possibly elsewhere in the solar system.
    The reason it can survive to that extreme environment is it´s ultra-small size probably, they´re still researching about this m.o.
    It could be useful on a future to develope new medicines that reciste high temperatures, it also could be useful to make vaccines that support the climatic changes to transport them more easily.

    University, T. P. (2008). Penn State University Eberly College of Science Site Administrator. Obtenido de A Survivor in Greenland: A Novel Bacterial Species is Found Trapped in 120,000-Year-Old Ice:

  18. BQC. Coronel Abarca Karime Montserrat
    Name: Thermococcus litoralis
    One extreme species, the Thermococcus litoralis, can survive on so little energy that until now the chemical reaction it uses wasn't thought able to sustain life. These organisms were found living near deep-sea hydrothermal vents where super-hot water seeps out of the Earth's crust near Papua New Guinea. In addition to their thrifty use of energy, the microbes can survive in extreme temperatures too scorching for most creatures, also, Thermococcus litoralis has recently been popularized by the scientific community for its ability to produce an alternative DNA polymerase to the commonly used Taq polymerase, and i think It could be used on steel material to keep it warm and protect,

    Clara Moskowitz. (August 2, 2011 02:30pm ). Extreme Life on Earth: 8 Bizarre Creatures. 28/01/17, de Live Science Sitio web:

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. Name: Deinococcus radiodurans



    Deinococcus radiodurans was first discovered in 1956 in a can of ground meat that had been treated with large doses of radiation to remove all hazardous bacteria from the products. Since its discovery, it has been deemed the toughest bacterium in the world. Not only can it withstand and repair DNA damages after extreme amounts of ionizing and UV radiation, but it can survive drought conditions and grow in nutrient poor environments. Cells are electrophiles and chemoorganotrophic. Its specific abilities make it one of the most interesting bacteria in science today because studying and understanding its mechanisms can lead to nuclear waste pick up and medical uses associated with cancer.

    The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans shows remarkable resistance to a range of damage caused by ionizing radiation, desiccation, UV radiation, oxidizing agents, and electrophilic mutagens. D. radiodurans is best known for its extreme resistance to ionizing radiation; not only can it grow continuously in the presence of chronic radiation (6 kilorads/h), but also it can survive acute exposures to gamma radiation exceeding 1,500 kilorads without dying or undergoing induced mutation.

    Kira S. Makarova. Marzo 2001. NCBI. Genome of the Extremely Radiation-Resistant Bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans Viewed from the Perspective of Comparative Genomics. Consultado el 29 enero 2017 de

  21. Student: Cintia Joselyn Cázares Martínez BT
    Name: Pyrolobus fumarii
    Video: at minute 3:00
    It can be found in very deep areas, on the walls of the chimneys of the ocean floor.
    Why this is so cool: It´s cool because it is the known species that higher temperatures can resist, can survive to about 113ºC.
    How it can survive to the wether: because in the membrane they have long chain saturated lipids that produce enzymes to have fluidity and their proteins have stability by the covalent bonds and hydrophobic interactions.
    My opinion why this mo can be useful for the carrer is that it can be used in molecular techniques such as the case of Thermus aquaticus or also help in industrial processes that need high temperatures.
    Biography apa:
    Boone, C. (2008). Living in high temperatures. Extracted on January 29, 2016 from:

  22. Abigail Rosendo Hernández QFB
    Name: Arthrobacter protophormiae
    It can be found in the Antartic
    These m.o is cool because it can allow the emulsification of nutrients by exopolysaccharides and vesicles derived from the membrane. It produces amphiphilic metabolites which have the ability to solubilize immiscible phases which may allow to find ways of making substances with pharmacological potential in the human body miscible to guarantee a greater bioavailability.
    Sharma et. al. (2007). Growth and physiological response of Arthrobacter protophormiae RKJ100 toward higher concentrations of o-nitrobenzoate and p-hydroxybenzoate. Extracted on January 29, 2017 from
    Oliart et. al Utilization of microorganisms from extreme environments and their products in biotechnological development Extracted on January 29 2017 from

  23. Brian Alexander Cruz Ramírez

    mo: Deinococcus radiodurans


    This microorganism is cool cause this bacteria can survive a 15,000 gray dose of radiation, where 10 grays would kill a human and it takes over 1,000 grays to kill a cockroach. This species, in fact, is exemplary in many ways, encompassing also the ability to survive cold, dehydration, vacuum and acid. The Guinness Book of World Records lists D. radiodurans as the world's toughest bacterium.

    There has been much research done on the possible uses of D. radiodurans in bioremediation. Currently, the organisms that are used for chemical and biological clean-up are not resistant to radiation. Since D. radiodurans is very resistant to radiation, scientists are interested in using the bacteria to clean up waste sites containing hazardous materials.

    Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, K. Makarova. (2001). Genome of the Extremely Radiation-Resistant Bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans Viewed from the Perspective of Comparative Genomics. Consulted on january 30th, 2017 from

    Nture Reviews, M. Cox. (2001). Deinococcus radiodurans, the consummate survivor. Consulted on january 30th, 2017 from

  24. Chlamydomonas nivalis
    Blood snow

    This type of snow is common during the summer in alpine and coastal polar regions worldwide, such as the Sierra Nevada of California.

    Is a green alga that owes its red color to a bright red carotenoid pigment (astaxanthin), which protects the chloroplast from intense visible and also ultraviolet radiation, as well as absorbing heat, which provides the alga with liquid water as the snow melts around it.

    Unlike most species of fresh-water algae, it is cryophilic (cold-loving) and thrives in freezing water. Is most frequently found in the encysted stage (hypnoblast) as this is the lifecycle stage most resistant to environmental changes. Tolerate extreme light, low temperatures (2-10°C) and low nutrient conditions.

    This algae is of commercial interest due to its high antioxidant and phenolic content.In addition to its ability to produce astaxanthin that is used to promotes an immune and healthy response.

    Algenuity. (2016). Culturing a domesticated Chlamydomonas nivalis. 1 de Enero del 2017, de Algenuity Sitio web:

  25. María José Eguiarte Guevara
    Name: Haloferax volcanii
    It can be found  living in the sediment of the Dead Sea, a salt lake in Israel.
    The Haloferax volcanii is very cool because is chemoorganotrophic, metabolizing sugars as a carbon source, and is capable of anaerobic respiration under anoxic conditions. It´s really interesting that the m.o. can be cultured without much difficulty in vitro and there are increasing the uses as a model organism in studies of archaeal genetics Also this m.o. was studied an isolated by researchers at University of California, Berkeley, as part of a project on the survival of haloarchaea on Mars!!
    The Haloferax volcanii can survived in extreme weather because the hypersaline water of the Dead Sea contains a high concentration of sodium, magnesium, and calcium salts, and is very slightly acidic; correspodingly, these conditions are ideal for growth of the m.o. It is one of only a small number of extremophiles adapted to survive in the harsh environment of the Dead Sea.
    The m.o. can be useful in my carrer because of their ability to maintain homeostasis in spite of the salt around them, H. volcanii could be an important player in advancements in biotechnology. As it is likely that Haloferax volcanii and comparable species are ranked among the earliest living organisms, they also provide information related to genetics and evolution.
    Klenk,H., (2015). Haloferax volcanii, as a Novel Tool for Producing Mammalian Olfactory Receptors Embedded in Archaeal Lipid Bilayer Extracted on January 31,2017 from
    Ortega, G., (2011). Halophilic enzyme activation induced by salts. Scientific reports. Volumen 1, No. 6 .

  26. Eguiarte Guevara María José
    Name: Haloferax volcanii
    It can be found  living in the sediment of the Dead Sea, a salt lake in Israel.
    The Haloferax volcanii is very cool because is chemoorganotrophic, metabolizing sugars as a carbon source, and is capable of anaerobic respiration under anoxic conditions. It´s really interesting that the m.o. can be cultured without much difficulty in vitro and there are increasing the uses as a model organism in studies of archaeal genetics Also this m.o. was studied an isolated by researchers at University of California, Berkeley, as part of a project on the survival of haloarchaea on Mars!!
    The Haloferax volcanii can survived in extreme weather because the hypersaline water of the Dead Sea contains a high concentration of sodium, magnesium, and calcium salts, and is very slightly acidic; correspodingly, these conditions are ideal for growth of the m.o. It is one of only a small number of extremophiles adapted to survive in the harsh environment of the Dead Sea.
    The m.o. can be useful in my carrer because of their ability to maintain homeostasis in spite of the salt around them, H. volcanii could be an important player in advancements in biotechnology. As it is likely that Haloferax volcanii and comparable species are ranked among the earliest living organisms, they also provide information related to genetics and evolution.
    Klenk,H., (2015). Haloferax volcanii, as a Novel Tool for Producing Mammalian Olfactory Receptors Embedded in Archaeal Lipid Bilayer Extracted on January 31,2017 from
    Ortega, G., (2011). Halophilic enzyme activation induced by salts. Scientific reports. Volumen 1, No. 6

  27. Respuestas
    1. Name: Haloferax volcanii
      It can be found living in the sediment of Dead Sea, in Israel.
      The Halferax volcanii is very cool because is chemoorganotrophic, metabolizing sugars as a carbon source. It´s really interesting that the m.o. was studied an isolated by reserchers as part of a project on the survival of haloarchaea on Mars!!
      The m.o. can survived in extreme weather because the hypersaline water of the Dead Sea contains a high concentracion of salts, and is very slightly acid, these conditions are ideal for growth the m.o.
      The m.o. can be useful in my carrer because they can maintain homeostasis in spite of the salt around theme, also they could be an important player in advancements in biotechnology and provide information related to genetics evolution.
      Klenk,H., (2015). Haloferax volcanii, as a Novel Tool for Producing Mammalian Olfactory Receptors Embedded in Archaeal Lipid Bilayer Extracted.

    2. Reference:
      Klenk,H., (2015). Haloferax volcanii, as a Novel Tool for Producing Mammalian Olfactory Receptors Embedded in Archaeal Lipid Bilayer Extracted on January 31,2017 from
      Ortega, G., (2011). Halophilic enzyme activation induced by salts. Scientific reports. Volumen 1, No. 6

  28. Tania Verónica Valdivia Herrera Q.F.B
    Name: Bacillus infernus

    This m.o was found 2700 underground in Taylorsville, Virginia; it can live at high temperatures (60°C) and can´t move. It´s a strict anaeribic and gets energy by fermentation of sugar glucose or anaerobic respiration of donors of electrons such as formate and lactate.
    One of the things I think it is cool is because the name; other thing I like is the big resistence it has to temperature, but this can be something bad at the same time because it cant hold temperature less than 40°C. And other thing I think is cool and important are all the biochemical reactions that this bacteria can do. Something important to say of this m.o is that it has the capacity of been identified like Fermentative and Oxidative.

    Boone, D., & Yitai, L. (1995). Bacillus infernus sp. nov., an Fe(III)- and Mn(IV)-Reducing Anaerobe from the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface. International Journal Of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.
    MacFaddin. (2000). Identificación de Bacterias de Importancia Clínica. Madrid: Médica Panamericana.
    McKee, T., & McKee, J. (2009). Bioquímica: Las Bases Moleculares de la Vida. McGraw Hill.

  29. Chlamydomonas pseudopertusa

    Chlamydomonas can live on soil, fresh water, oceans, and even snow on mountainous areas. It has a thick cell wall as a protective shell, a chloroplast for photosynthesis, an "eye" with which light is perceived to be directed towards it and two pulsating vacuoles that help it to expel the excess water that enters its interior.

    It is, without a doubt, one of the most used organisms in biological research. A guinea pig within microscopic organisms that has been used as a research model to know basic aspects of life: the study of the movement of flagella, to know how chloroplasts are formed and to evolve to see how they respond to light stimuli, to Sequencing their genetic material.
    Until a few years ago it was thought that the algae in this group were the predecessors of the current vegetables and therefore one of the oldest algal groups, however, recent studies of their DNA have provided evidence of their relative youth. In spite of it has helped to decipher many mysteries of the vegetal life ... and that Chlamydomonas, like Euglena shares characteristics that are own of the animals.

    Guillen. (07 de 12 de 2012). Applied microbiology.

  30. Name: Haloferax volcanii
    It can be found living in the sediment of Dead Sea, in Israel.
    The Halferax volcanii is very cool because is chemoorganotrophic, metabolizing sugars as a carbon source. It´s really interesting that the m.o. was studied an isolated by reserchers as part of a project on the survival of haloarchaea on Mars!!
    The m.o. can survived in extreme weather because the hypersaline water of the Dead Sea contains a high concentracion of salts, and is very slightly acid, these conditions are ideal for growth the m.o.
    The m.o. can be useful in my carrer because they can maintain homeostasis in spite of the salt around theme, also they could be an important player in advancements in biotechnology and provide information related to genetics evolution.
    Klenk,H., (2015). Haloferax volcanii, as a Novel Tool for Producing Mammalian Olfactory Receptors Embedded in Archaeal Lipid Bilayer Extracted on January 31,2017 from
    Ortega, G., (2011). Halophilic enzyme activation induced by salts. Scientific reports. Volumen 1, No.6.

  31. Marisol Gonzalez Atanacio
    name: Chlamydomonas pseudopertusa

    1. and the explanation, and the orther things I ask to you? :(

  32. nombre: Pyrococcus furiosus

    El Furiosus Pyrococcus fue descubierto por Karl Stetter en 1986 fuera de Italia. Es un Archaea hyperthermophilic que crece a un sorprendente 100 ° C, con un rango entre 70 ° C y 103 ° C. De manera óptima su pH está en 7, pero puede estar entre un pH de 5 y 9. Se anaerobias y heterotrófica en la naturaleza y tiene un metabolismo fermentativo. El P. Furiosus se encuentra en los respiraderos de aguas profundas y lodo marino volcánica fuera de Italia, y puede ser cultivado en su medio complejo Pyrococcus específica género que contiene sales, extracto de levadura, peptona, azufre, agua de mar, y algunos otros componentes. Con un tiempo de duplicación rápido de sólo 37 minutos puede ser utilizado fácilmente en el laboratorio. Físicamente, es la forma coccus entre 0,8 y 2,5 micras de diámetro con una archaella politricosa monopolar (el equivalente archaeal de flagelos). Monopolar implica que tiene un archaella en un polo de la bacteria, y politricosa significa que tiene muchas cadenas de archaella. En conjunto, el archaella está en las características visuales más sorprendentes de la bacteria (ver foto abajo).

    Figura 1: Individual P. Furiosus bacteria que destaca la belleza de la archaella.

    Un hecho muy interesante sobre la bacteria es que tiene enzimas que contienen tungsteno, un fenómeno muy raro que los organismos biológicos. Tungsteno se cree para alimentar el crecimiento de la bacteria. Los científicos han aislado a partir de una proteína de color rojo que se cree que es una forma inactiva de un tipo de oxidorreductasa. En las condiciones anaeróbicas el P. furiosus vive en esta forma inactiva se activa, y se utiliza para oxidar gliceraldehído. La proteína es científicamente importante por dos razones: es la primera oxidorreductasa aldehído que se encuentra en una bacteria Archaea, y es una forma única de aldehído enzima oxidante.

    Los usos de P. furiosus son muy variadas. Sus enzimas termoestables se utilizan a menudo en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), una forma de la amplificación de ADN. Los ciclos de calentamiento y enfriamiento causa de ADN hebras que se separan, y luego cebadores y ADN polimerasa venir a través de la reconstrucción de las caras en blanco de las hebras con los pares de bases conjugado; refrigeración hace que su reincorporación. El problema con la PCR es el calentamiento necesario para las hebras de ADN separadas es muy alta y muchos organismos no tienen enzimas que pueden soportar estas temperaturas. Esta es la razón por la polimerasa de ADN a menudo se toma a partir de termófilos que tienen enzimas termoestables que pueden soportar el calor. Debido a la facilidad de cultivo antes mencionado, P. furiosus es un buen candidato para la PCR.

    1. I did not understand anything of all the things you wrote :(

  33. Juan Andreus Cerda Loza QFB 6°
    Name: Grylloblattidae

    They live in extremely cold locations – between about 34 and 39 degrees Fahrenheit – and usually at higher elevations. They aren’t quite as hardcore as our water ear friends, however. It’s possible to kill an icebug if the temperature gets too low.
    This insect is cool because it can live where is too cold, and i like thah weather, also because that scientific name looks like the name of alien villain on Doctor Who.

    References:Capinera, J. L. (2008). Encyclopedia of Entomology. Springer.

  34. Samuel Aubert Romero de la Vega
    Microorganism: Roseovarius sp. 217

    Description: Roseovarius sp. 217 was isolated from a methyl halide oxidizing enrichment culture from surface seawater collected near Plymouth, England. This bacterium and its relatives potentially play a role in controlling fluxes of methyl halides between the ocean and the atmosphere, and the cycling of methyl halides on a global scale.


  35. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  36. García Bejarano Alejandra QFB 6th semester

    "Ramazzottius varieornatus"


    R. varieornatus is an extremotolerant tardigrade species, which becomes almost completely dehydrated on desiccation and withstands various physical extremes. R. varieornatus exhibits extraordinary tolerance against high-dose radiation. Ramazzottius varieornatus is able to tolerate massive doses of UVC irradiation by both being protected from forming UVC induced thymine dimers in DNA in a desiccated, anhydrobiotic state as well as repairing the dimers that do form in the hydrated animals. In R. varieornatus accumulation of thymine dimers in DNA induced by irradiation with 2.5 kJ/m2 of UVC radiation disappeared 18 h after the exposure when the animals were exposed to fluorescent light but not in the dark.

    Much higher UV radiation tolerance was observed in desiccated anhydrobiotic R. varieornatus compared to hydrated specimens of this species.

    Minor changes in the gene expression profiles during dehydration and rehydration suggest constitutive expression of tolerance-related genes. The anhydrobiotes of R. varieornatus accumulated much less UVC-induced thymine dimers in DNA than hydrated one. It suggests that anhydrobiosis efficiently avoids DNA damage accumulation in R. varieornatus and confers better UV radiation tolerance on this species

    These m.o. is important because, in a study using human cultured cells, the autors demonstrate that a tardigrade-unique DNA-associating protein suppresses X-ray-induced DNA damage by around 40% and improves radiotolerance. These findings indicate the relevance of tardigrade-unique proteins to tolerability and tardigrades could be a bountiful source of new protection genes and mechanisms.

    Hashimoto, T., et. al. (2015). "Extremotolerant tardigrade genome and improved radiotolerance of human cultured cells by tardigrade-unique protein". Nature communications 7:12808

  37. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  38. The Pyrococcus furiosus was discovered by Karl Stetter in 1986 off of Italy. It is a hyperthermophilic Archaea that grows at an astonishing 100°C, with a range between 70°C and 103°C. Optimally its pH is at 7, but it can stand between a pH of 5 and 9. It is anaerobic and heterotrophic in nature and has a fermentative metabolism. The P. furiosus is found in deep sea vents and volcanic marine mud off of Italy, and can be cultured in its genus specific Pyrococcus complex medium that contains salts, yeast extract, peptone, sulfur, seawater, and a few other components. With a fast doubling time of only 37 minutes it can be easily used in laboratory settings. Physically, it is coccus shape between 0.8 and 2.5 microns in diameter with a monopolar polytrichous archaella (the archaeal equivalent of flagella). Monopolar implies it has an archaella at one pole of the bacterium, and polytrichous means it has many strings of archaella. All together, the archaella is on the most visually astonishing characteristics of the bacterium (see photo below).

    Figure 1: Single P. furiosus bacterium highlighting the beauty of the archaella.

    A very interesting fact about the bacterium is it has enzymes that contain tungsten, a very rare phenomena for biological organisms. Tungsten is believed to fuel the growth of the bacterium. Scientists have isolated from it a red-colored protein that is believed to be an inactive form of a type of oxidoreductase. Under the anaerobic conditions the P. furiosus lives in this inactive form is activated, and is used to oxidize glyceraldehyde. The protein is scientifically significant for two reasons: it is the first aldehyde oxidoreductase to be found in an Archaea bacterium, and it is a unique form of aldehyde oxidizing enzyme.

    The uses of P. furiosus are quite varied. Its thermostable enzymes are often used in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), a form of DNA amplification. Cycles of heating and cooling cause DNA strands to come apart, and then primers and DNA polymerase come through rebuilding the blank sides of the strands with the conjugate base pairs; cooling causes them to rejoin. The problem with PCR is the heating needed to separate DNA strands is very high and many organisms do not have enzymes that can withstand these temperatures. This is why the DNA polymerase is often taken from thermophiles that have thermostable enzymes that can withstand the heat. Because of the aforementioned ease of culturing, P. furiosus is a good candidate for PCR.

    The bacterium has also been studied for its unique method of detoxifying superoxide into hydrogen peroxide then water. Typically superoxide dismutase is used to detoxify superoxide. This reaction produces oxygen as an intermediate that is then converted to hydrogen peroxide. However, being anaerobic, the oxygen intermediate would be fatal to the bacteria so they need an alternative method of detoxification. P. furiosus uses a specific superoxide reductase, and borrows an electron from another compound, to reduce superoxide to hydrogen peroxide and water without harmful oxygen as an intermediate. This could have potential industrial uses.

    Another study showed how the P. furiosus has also modified its method of metabolizing sugars—its own modified Embden-Myerhof pathway. Also in this study they found that P. furiosus may have a distinct way to regenerate ATP. Another application of the bacterium’s enzymes may be in plants. Plants become very stressed under extreme conditions (like high temperature and little water) and “shut down”. By splicing the aforementioned superoxide detoxification gene into plants, they could possibly live in places like Mars or harsh deserts of third-world countries.

  39. Name: Jonathan Cocoletzi Bautista

    Microorganism: Chloroflexus aurantiacus

    Image 1:

    Image 2:


    Chloroflexus aurantiacus is a thermophilic filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium, and can grow phototrophically under anaerobic conditions or chemotrophically under aerobic and dark conditions. This organism is thermophilic and can grow at temperatures from 35 °C to 70 °C.
    One of the main reasons for interest in Chloroflexus aurantiacus is in the study of the evolution of photosynthesis. As terrestrial mammals, we are most familiar with photosynthetic plants such as trees. However, photosynthetic eukaryotes are a relatively recent evolutionary development.
    When grown in the dark, Chloroflexus aurantiacus has a dark orange color. When grown in sunlight it is dark green.


    Tang KH1, B. K. (2011). Complete genome sequence of the filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. BMC Genomics.

  40. Name: Jasso Villaobos Daniel
    MIcroorganism: Pyrococcus furiosus
    is an extremophilic species of Archaea. It can be classified as a hyperthermophile because it thrives best under extremely high temperatures—higher than those preferred of a thermophile. It is notable for having an optimum growth temperature of 100 °C (a temperature that would destroy most living organisms), and for being one of the few organisms identified as possessing aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase enzymes containing tungsten, an element rarely found in biological molecules.
    The species was taken from the thermal marine sediments and studied by growing it in culture in a lab. Pyrococcus furiosus is noted for its rapid doubling time of 37 minutes under optimal conditions, meaning that every 37 minutes, the number of individual organisms is multiplied by 2, yielding an exponential growth curve. It appears as mostly regular cocci—meaning that it is roughly spherical—of 0.8 µm to 1.5 µm diameter with monopolar polytrichous flagellation. Each organism is surrounded by a cellular envelope composed of glycoprotein, distinguishing them from bacteria.
    Komori, K. Ishino Y.. (2001). Replication protein A in Pyrococcus furiosus is involved in homologous DNA recombination. Epub, 1, 276(28):25654-60. May 7 , De PubMed Base de datos.

  41. Name: Pineda Meléndez Karen Fernanda
    Microorganism: Ferroplasma acidiphilum

    Lives in places where there are high temperatures, where there is sulphurous material or in volcanic areas.
    They support very high temperatures and very high acid conditions.
    (Eduardo Costas, 2012)
    Have a unique biochemical machinery. The fact that the ferroplasma acidiphilum, a unicellular organism that lacks a protective cell wall, is able to live in sulfuric acid is already extraordinary. But what really makes the microbe unique is its unusual relationship with iron.
    Researchers in Brunswick and Madrid have discovered that Ferroplasma acidiphilum extracts not only iron energy - "eats" the metal and leaves mold behind - but also uses it as an organizing element of the structure essential for most of its cellular proteins. This biochemical apparatus distinguishes Ferroplasma acidiphilum from the rest of known organisms.

    All the proteins of Ferroplasma acidiphilum contain iron atoms, therefore soluble iron is freely available from which it could be synthesized from the bacterium iron supplements. (Helmholtz, 2014)

    Eduardo Costas, b. y. (19 de 03 de 2012). Obtenido de Ferroplasma acidiphilum:
    Helmholtz. (2014). Science news. Obtenido de Ferroplasma, microorganism lives in sulfuric acid:
